Written by James Mulcahy Background The Queensland Magistrates Court recently handed down its decision in the matter of Gower v Ferguson [2021] QMC. The Defendant alleged the Plaintiff’s motor vehicle repair cost, arising from a simple accident, was substantially...
Written by James Mulcahy and Jessica Woods ATCO Power Australia (Karratha) Pty Limited v TNT Australia Pty Limited (2019/00289094) – “ATCO” The Trustee for the Dave Dick and Erina Jacobson Family Trust and the Trustee for Tim Dick Family Trust & The Trustee for...
Written by James Mulcahy It’s now almost eight months since many Australian businesses first began responding to the coronavirus pandemic. In the context of motor insurance claims, the immediate impact, from a legal perspective, was the adjournment of matters across...
Written by James Mulcahy and Spencer Pascal Souaid v Nahas; Cassim v Nguyen; Rixon v Arsalan; Lee v Strelnicks [2020] NSWCA 115] – Do You Really Need That Car? [2020] NSWCA 115 The NSW Court of Appeal today refused leave in the matters of Souaid v Nahas and Lee...