Andrew Sawkins “fell into” his legal career and has never looked back. From starting at Ligeti Partners as a Law Clerk, to becoming the Firm’s Managing Director, we take a look at Andrew’s incredible career. What led you to have a career in...
Written by Erin Martin Pursuant to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority’s Rules, rule D.3.3(b) to be precise, AFCA can make a determination requiring an insurer to compensate a complainant for non-financial loss if the complainant has experienced ‘an unusual...
Written by Ravneet Sandhu The Victorian Supreme Court decision in Yildrim v Car Accident Rental Solutions Pty Ltd [2023] VSC 703 questioned the entitlement of a claimant, who was registered for GST, to claim the GST component of the market value of their vehicle....
Written by Sindri Bergsson Yesterday (11 December 2024), the High Court of Australia issued a majority 4:3 decision which held that claims for breaches of the statutory duty owed under s37 of the Design and Building Practitioners Act 2020 (NSW) (DBP Act) are generally...
Written by Scarlett Eadie Motor vehicle collisions that occur at intersections controlled by traffic lights are a common occurrence. These types of collisions can, at times, be difficult to resolve as often it is a case of, he said, she said, with both drivers...
Written by Janelle Pabst Scenario: You are a claims officer and a claim is allocated to you where the insured is not liable for the collision. The insured says to you that after the collision occurred, they obtained the insurance details of the third party and you are...