Administrative Law Disputes
We have had numerous successes in seeking internal review of decisions as well as external review in Courts and Tribunals. We have also successfully brought numerous stay applications which prevent an adverse decision from taking effect for a period of time, usually whilst we appeal the decision under review.
We have been involved in a number of notable outcomes, including decisions by NCAT, AAT and the Federal Court of Australia.
Our experienced team works with:
1. Childcare and Family Day Care.
In particular seeking internal review of Show Cause Notices, Compliance Notices, Notice of Refusal of Application for Provider and/or Service Approvals, Notice of Suspension and Notice of Cancellation of Approval(s).
We have extensive experience in commencing legal proceedings to challenge these decisions and have a strong track record of success.
2. NDIS, for both operators and participants.
We assist operators in challenging decisions affecting the operation of their business (including banning orders) and allegations of fraud. We also assist participants where a decision has been made affecting their funding and supports.
Motor Vehicle Recovery & Defence
Commercial & Residential Property
Counter Fraud & Indemnity
Heavy Vehicle, Plant & Equipment
Marine & Aviation Claims
Liability Defence
Training & Claims Strategy
3. Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) regarding decisions by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) which affect the operation of an approved provider.
4. Aged Care operators to assist with and advise on their compliance with statutory obligations, and to seek review of decisions affecting the operation of their business.
Notable matters in which we have acted include:
• Helping hugs Family Day Care Pty Ltd and Secretary, Department of Education [2022] AATA 2895
Our team regularly provides advice on all aspects of Administrative Law Disputes work.
Our Administrative Law Dispute Team Leader