Written by Lucia Cocco When a vehicle is damaged in a collision, it is well understood that the loss to be awarded is the diminution in value of the vehicle. In most cases, the starting point for determining this cost is the tax invoice for the repair works actually...
October marks Paul Singam’s 32nd year with Ligeti Partners. We spoke to Paul about his long career in insurance law and advice he would give to those entering the industry. What led you to have a career in Law? I have always been drawn to how the Law impacts so...
Written by Laura Heil and Virginia Waters Insurers have a right of subrogation, which enables them to ‘stand in the shoes’ of their insureds to recover from an at fault party. However, sometimes the person who damaged an insured’s vehicle is a family member, friend or...
Written by Mashuq Rahman Liability for the damages that ensue from a motor collision may be disputed in circumstances where a driver has caused a collision when acting under distress to escape danger or harm, such as road rage or a violent attack. Courts have referred...
Written by Kristin van Meeuwen In July 2020, on a semi-rural road in Dural, New South Wales a vehicle driven by Wendy Richards crossed over the centre line into oncoming traffic, and collided, head-on, with a vehicle travelling in the opposite direction. Ms...