
Exaggerated Repair Costs

Exaggerated Repair Costs

Written by James Mulcahy Ligeti Partners has secured another favourable result in Queensland for its insurer client involving a Repairer Recovery Syndicate. Background Following a minor motor vehicle accident, the legal representatives of the not-at-fault Plaintiff...
Exaggerated Repair Costs – Insurers Beware!

Exaggerated Repair Costs – Insurers Beware!

Written by James Mulcahy Background The Queensland Magistrates Court recently handed down its decision in the matter of Gower v Ferguson [2021] QMC. The Defendant alleged the Plaintiff’s motor vehicle repair cost, arising from a simple accident, was substantially...
4 Issues for Motor Insurers During the Pandemic

4 Issues for Motor Insurers During the Pandemic

Written by James Mulcahy It’s now almost eight months since many Australian businesses first began responding to the coronavirus pandemic. In the context of motor insurance claims, the immediate impact, from a legal perspective, was the adjournment of matters across...